By Neon on 2/8/2025
By Neon on 2/7/2025
By Neon on 2/6/2025
By Neon on 2/6/2025
By Paschar on 2/6/2025
By Neon on 2/6/2025
A faction is a home, a home for those who believe that the laws of the land don't apply to them. A place where they can freely wage war and set their own rules as they see fit.
But a faction without a location to call home is nothing but a bunch of mercenaries. To give life to the Dirt, I introduce to you Hideouts.
Hideouts, a first in TNR history, allow factions to purchase a sector, construct a place they call home, and eventually turn this sector into their very own village.
As of this moment, Hideouts are released. Please report any bugs that we might have missed in internal testing, and please play nice.
Also, Paschar has launched his first event: "Echoes of Turmoil: The Spirits' Frenzy". You can find it at Wake Island!
By teni on 2/5/2025
I would like to announce a change to our procedure when handling people who have been stuck in battle. Going forward we ask that you submit a “help-I-am-stuck” ticket on discord with your user name, what type of battle got you stuck and if there is any other information about why you were stuck. We also ask that you provide a quick screenshot, when possible, of the battle in your report.
If you cannot access the server or make a ticket, please discord or DM an online staff member in game with the info so they can make a ticket on your behalf.
If you post in the tavern, or in a text channel in the discord, you will be directed to follow these instructions.
Thank you everyone for your cooperation! This helps us gather information and reduce the chance of abuse.
By Madcrep on 2/4/2025
By Neon on 2/3/2025
There are things that I hate doing because of lack of foresight or because timelines don't work like how you want them to.
Kage has been disabled pending the implementation of the new Kage system. I would have loved to do this when the system was fully tested and ready to be implemented, but each day, the small few of us just can't play nice.
People accuse others of things they themselves exploit and try to cry about things being unfair.
Most villages have already been maxed out, so while the War System and the Kage system are going through their final stages of development, the AI Kage will rule over Sechi until the new system is implemented.
By Neon on 2/2/2025
Elemental Convergence: Tag changed from increased elemental damage taken to Recoil, 15% for 1 round.
Damage increased to 45 EP - 1.5 modifier.
Shield Tag added - Value: 500, Duration: 2 turns.
Essence Reaver: Changed to Elemental Seal.
Tags changed to “Seals the target's ability to use jutsu of specified elements” - Fire, Wind, Lightning, Earth, Water 75% for 2 rounds.
Stone Temple: Changed to Elemental Guard.
40 AP.
New tags - Decrease damage taken of Target, 40% Nin, Buki, Gen, Tai for 2 rounds.
Create Barrier: Duration: 2 rounds.
Increase damage given by target - 30% for 2 rounds, Earth, Lightning.
Voltari: Unchanged.
Whispering Cyclone: Changed to Elemental Aura.
Decrease damage taken of target tag changed to Increased damage taken of target - 40%, Fire, Wind, Lightning, Earth, Water for 2 rounds.
Sapphire Command: Removed Movement, changed from Ground to Other user.
New Tag added - Elemental Seal Wind and Water for 2 turns, 75%.
Snowflake Dust: Buffed to 100% prevent buff.
Heavenly Sonata Changes:
Heavenly Sonata: Celestial Harmony Shield
New Tags - Decrease damage taken 35% for 2 rounds.
Shield tag added - 700 value shield for 2 rounds.